Neural networks lab
We are a Neuroscience laboratory seeking to unveil how experience shapes neural dynamics in the brain.

Our group focuses on understanding the neural basis of learning and other cognitive functions in health and disease.
One of the primary risk factors for mental disorders is adverse early life experiences. The effects of these experiences during childhood persist throughout adolescence and adulthood, heightening vulnerability. To uncover the mechanisms contributing to the increased risk we investigate changes at the neural circuit level in animal models.
We analyse the dynamics of neural network activity while animals learn, make decisions and interact with each other to reveal context-dependent neural signatures of long-past experiences. Our goal is not only to understand the neural factors that contribute to increased vulnerability in the face of adverse early experiences but also to identify patterns in neural activity that facilitate resilience.
While the brain exhibits significant plasticity early in life, the ability to learn persists throughout live. Our lab aims at understanding how learning reshapes neural network activity and facilitates flexible behavior. We explore how sensory perceptions and abstract knowledge, are modularised to enable context-dependent adaptive choices at the right time and place.
To address these questions, we employ large-scale electrophysiological recording techniques, such as Neuropixels probes, to monitor neural activity as animals learn and execute behavioral tasks. Leveraging methods to manipulate neural activity, we establish links between physiological experience driven changes, stress-related responses, and specific brain areas and cell types.
Our Team
Open Positions
We are looking for motivated team players to join our team!
Are you looking for a PhD or Postdoc position and you
are interested in the neural mechanisms underlying learning?
have experience with behavioral experiments and neural data acquisition, e.g imaging or electrophysiology?
have experience and enjoy scientific programming / data analysis (e.g. Python and/or Matlab)
have an analytical approach to problem-solving and get things done
can work independently
are proficient in English
have a Masters' degree / P.hD. in a relevant field, e.g. (computational) Neuroscience, Engineering, Computer Science, Life Science
... Get in touch! Send your application materials (Letter of motivation, CV, names of two referees) to
We also have computational and experimental master thesis projects available in the lab
Our lab is committed to building an inclusive environment for under-represented minorities. We strongly encourage applications from all under-represented groups.
October 2024
SFN meeting Chicago
Claudia presents new analysis on 'Organization of Task Elements into Functional Modules in Prefrontal Cortex' at the annual meeting of SFN in Chicago. Fantatstic scientific discussions and always fun to catch up with old friends and meet new ones!
September 2024
Chao joins the lab
Chao joins the lab as a postdoc and will work on figuring out how learning shapes behavior and neural activity. Welcome Chao!

August 2024
Bianca joins the lab
Bianca is a student in the MSc program Computational Neuroscience at the Bernstein Center Berlin and will support our research with computational methods. Welcome Bianca!

Pinja joins the lab
Pinja Hillman joins us from University of Turku as a master student.
Welcome Pinja!

March 2024
Luna presents poster
The lab participates in the Research Day of the Department for Psychiatry at Charité Berlin and Luna presents her research project on 'Gaining mechanistic Insights into the lasting impact of early adversity'

January 2024
Jonas joins the lab
Jonas is a medical student at Charité Berlin and joins the lab as a student assistant. Welcome Jonas!

August 2023
Luna joins the lab
Luna holds a Masters' degree in Fundamental Neuroscience from Maastricht University, The Netherlands and joins the lab as PhD candidate to investigate the impact of adverse early experiences on neural activity. Welcome Luna!

May 2023
Talk at the Cajal Institute, Madrid
Claudia presents work on 'Time, Space, and Memory in Prefrontal Cortex during Flexible Behavior' at Instituto Cajal hosted by Jorge García Marqués

May 2023
Lab opens its doors
Claudia starts at Charité Berlin, Silvia joins the lab as part-time technical assistant. Welcome Silvia!

Claudia Böhm and Albert K. Lee
bioRxiv 2023
Claudia Böhm and Albert K. Lee
eLife 2021
Claudia Böhm, Yangfan Peng, Jörg R. P. Geiger and Dietmar Schmitz
Cell and Tissue Research 2018 (review article)
Shota Zarnadze, Peter Bäuerle, Julio Santos-Torres, Claudia Böhm, Dietmar Schmitz, Jörg RP Geiger, Tamar Dugladze, Tengis Gloveli
eLife 2016
Claudia Böhm, Yangfan Peng, Nikolaus Maier, Jochen Winterer, James F.A. Poulet, Jörg R.P. Geiger and Dietmar Schmitz
Journal of Neuroscience 2015
Claudia Böhm, Maria Pangalos, Dietmar Schmitz and Jochen Winterer
Cerebral Cortex 2015
Prateep Beed, Anja Gundlfinger, Sophie Schneiderbauer, Jie Song, Claudia Böhm, Andrea Burgalossi, Michael Brecht, Imre Vida, Dietmar Schmitz
Neuron 2013
Nikolaus Maier, Genela Morris, Sebastian Schuchmann, Tatiana Korotkova, Alexey Ponomarenko, Claudia Böhm, Christian Wozny, Dietmar Schmitz
Hippocampus 2011
Contact Us
Mail Address
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Campus Mitte
10117 Berlin
Lab Address
Claudia Böhm lab
Neuroscience Research Center
Hufelandweg 14
10117 Berlin